Not In My (Virtual) Backyard, or NIM(V)BY, is a collaborative project that I co-created with Adrian Phillips and Doug Rosman. NIM(V)BY delves into the concept of underlying societal infrastructures, challenging the relationship between the digital and physical realms. The title draws inspiration from the political acronym “NIMBY,” which stands for “not in my backyard.” According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the original term referred to “those who objected to the placement of something perceived as unpleasant or potentially dangerous in their own neighborhood,” such as a landfill or hazardous waste facility. However, in our exploration, we expand the notion of “NIMBY” beyond physical structures to encompass intangible elements that are equally essential for the growth of cities and communities.
Technologies Used
Processing, Augmented Reality library for Processing, Webcam, Blender